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Coginiti August 2022 Release: New Yellowbrick Integration + More CoginitiScript Capabilities

Chris Crompton
August 2, 2022

Coginiti v22.7 is now available for download. This release adds several updates, including new integration with Yellowbrick Data Warehouse and additional CoginitiScript capabilities.

New Platform Support: Yellowbrick Data Warehouse

We’ve added native support for Yellowbrick, a modern enterprise data warehouse supporting both cloud and on-prem infrastructure. Connect to Yellowbrick with Coginiti for deep database object visibility extending to indexes, constraints, stored procedures, and more! You’ll also find quick access to DDL and DML scripts for supported objects.

Drag & Drop Results Grid Rows

It’s often handy quickly compare two or more rows directly in the output of your results. With this results grid enhancement, you can now easily drag and drop individual rows to arrange them as you wish.

CoginitiScript Enhancements

CoginitiScript capabilities continue to grow! Three new features are now supported within CoginitiScript code blocks:

  • Expressions
  • Conditionals
  • View publications

Expressions are defined using the {{ and }} delimiters and are used to insert an expression into block code.

Example Expressions:

{{ 1 + 1 }}
{{ "string" }}
{{ i > 5 }}
{{ variable_name }}

CoginitiScript will evaluate expressions in the block body and produce SQL which will be submitted to the data platform for execution. CoginitiScript supports evaluation of both unary and binary expressions:

Unary Expression
unary operations = ‘+’ | ‘-‘ | ‘!’

rel operations = ‘==’ | ‘!=’ | ‘<‘ | ‘>=’ | ‘>’ | ‘>=’
add operations = ‘+’ | ‘-‘
mul operations = ‘*’ | ‘/’ | ‘%’

Conditions allows to execute arbitrary piece of code based on condition. It is defined using #+if statement.

#+if debug == true then
  SELECT ...;

You can also use IF…ELSE…END constructs.

#+if debug == true then
  SELECT ...;
  SELECT ....;

Publication strategy defined as part of the block metadata properties has been extended to support views.

#+src sql salesFact()
#+meta {
  :publication {
    :type "view",
    :name "mart_sales_fact"

When we run this block, a view called “mart_sales_fact” will be created in the currently active database / schema.

As you can see, CoginitiScript is shaping into a powerful tool for your SQL workflows — and there’s much more to come! See the full CoginitiScript language reference on our support site to learn more.

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